Public relations advice

  • 03 min read
  • 4 Apr 2023
Public relations advice

This month we share PR and communications advice from the experts!

Take note of the top tips below and see how they can support you and your business: Define your brand personality – and don’t be afraid to use it. It’s not about features and benefits, it’s about who the brand is, what its values are, and how it communicates. Even the most professional and traditional brands can afford to be a bit cheeky or comical in the right medium. People engage or buy most often on a feeling, and how a brand makes them feel, with brands that harness this often being the most successful. Gabriella Fryer – Marketing & Communications Manager, H&W Chamber of Commerce.

Research, research, research! Knowing your target audience is crucial when you’re communicating with your base. Make sure you’re sending them content they’re interested in, at a time of day that suits them and on a channel they engage with – otherwise your hard work could go to waste! Rachel Kent – Head of Campaigns, Content and Causes at Ecotricity.

A mix of channels increases effectiveness when combined with others – the more opportunities to experience your message, the better. Sarah Hunt – Corporate Communications Officer (Recruitment) West Mercia Police.

My advice is simply you have to stick with the PR process and never give up. It takes a lot of knocking on doors of journalists to get PR and they’ll be a lot of disappointments on the way, but ultimately only by getting to know the media can you really boost your public profile and this takes time. I’ve found far too many expect great results too quickly. Have faith in the process and learn and you’ll get there. Michael Nolan – Legal PR Expert, Nolan PR.

Invest in digital marketing – despite the obvious challenges currently facing all businesses, now really is the time to invest in your digital marketing where possible. More people than ever are working from home on laptops, making their purchases online and using social media to stay in touch with friends and family, so now is the perfect opportunity to invest in improving your PPC advertising, social media engagement and website performance. By investing in OLPRO’s digital marketing, we saw a 105% increase in sales and a 49% increase in website traffic during 2020. Jack Barnett – PR & Digital Marketing Manager at Olpro.

Focus on engagement above all else. Regardless of whether you’re putting together a press release, posting on social media or updating marketing copy, ask yourself: is this interesting? It can be hard to be strict with yourself, but the bottom line is that only content that engages your audiences should be shared. If you struggle to pique the interest of your audiences, start with why. For instance, if you’re launching a new product, your press release should focus on WHY the product is going to help people and what it offers them. Em Branson – PR, content and social media specialist.

Have the exact same username on all your accounts you can use to check what social channels your username is available for. Dan Creasey, European Enterprise Marketing Manager, Panasonic TOUGHBOOK. Keep checking back for more monthly top tips from local pay-as-you-go PR and Marketing Agency, You Do Better PR:

Ruby Edwards